It had been about three weeks since I last raced, so I was a little nervous about stepping to the plate of Superweek. I was not even expecting to finish my first race, I just wanted to put in a couple of supportive moves for Carlos, our teams protected rider. I got a pretty sweet spot near the front at the start and for about ten laps managed to hold it there.
The lap counter really screwed with me though. I'd much prefer to walk blindly into a world of pain than to slowly tick away at it.
Ten laps in and I realized I was sorta mid pack. Another 8 laps and I go to the front just as a move goes. Carlos was near the front too, so I chased for about a quarter lap, peeled off and managed to grab on to the back of the field. Another twelve laps and I am back at the front. Carlos tells me to go and I go with a move that lasts about two turns and then back to the back of the field for me. With three to go, I am back up front and try to bridge to a move up the road, not happening. I finish at the back of the field.
I'm definitely pleased that I finished and was able to play a little, but I want to make smarter moves now that I know I can make moves without getting shelled.
I miss Batman.
i'm sure batman is pining for you as i type... i think about you lots JT! you are in my prayers and i hope you gain a bunch of experience!
You were my inpsiration at the roller races last night (i made it to what was the women's semi's? round 2 really...)
if you have time:
Batman definitely misses you. Even though I'm not sure dogs really have that type of memory...
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